Our Lawyers

Brandon Quinn
604.259.6177 (direct)
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Called to the BC bar in 2003.
Education: LLB (Queen’s) 2002, BA (Lakehead) 1999
Brandon Quinn has practiced labour and administrative law in British Columbia since joining our firm as an associate in 2003. In that time, he has appeared on behalf of trade unions before several federal and provincial administrative tribunals including labour boards, human rights tribunals, and employment standards tribunals. He also represents trade unions in all levels of British Columbia courts, including Small Claims Court, Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal.
Brandon has been a partner in our firm since 2011.
Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. v. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 213 (Guy Dyer Termination Grievance), [2023] B..C.C.A.A.A. No. 149 | An arbitrator ordered reinstatement of a grievor who was involved in a physical altercation at work..
LTS Solutions Ltd. v. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 213, 2022 C.I.R.B. 1047 | The Canada Industrial Relations Board imposed a first collective agreement after a protracted labour dispute.
Mazzei Electric Ltd. v. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 230, 2022 B.C.L.R.B. 132 | Labour Relations Board dismissed an employer complaint about organizing during work time.
Richard Seder v. United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing, and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Local No. 516 (Refrigeration Service and Installation Workers’ Union), and United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing, and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, 2022 B.C.L.R.B 88 | The B.C. Labour Relations Board dismissed a complaint from a union member alleging that he had not received a fair hearing during an internal Union trial.
Aurora Electric Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 230, 2022 B.C.L.R.B. 20 | The B.C. Labour Relations Board granted a remedial certification after finding an employer threatened the employment of employees during an organizing drive.
Shaw Cable Systems v. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 213, (Overtime Grievance), [2019] C.L.A.D. No. 185 | An arbitrator dismissed an allegation of bias against the union nominee in a three party arbitration panel.
JJ v. School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) and Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 561 (2011) BCCA 343 | The Court of Appeal confirmed the decision of the BC Human Rights Tribunal to dismiss a member’s complaint against a trade union for lack of evidence.
Rambow Mechanical Ltd. v. United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Local 170 and 324, and Les Schneider (2012) BCLRBD No. 277 | The BC Labour Relations Board awarded the union automatic certification after the employer questioned employees as to whether they were union members and threatening the job security of employees if the certification was granted.
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 213 v. Trader Corporation (BC), (unreported) April 30, 2015 (Dorsey) | Arbitrator upheld the union’s grievance that the employer violated the collective agreement by ‘contracting in’ work.