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David Tarasoff
604.259.6224 (direct)
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David Tarasoff obtained both a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of British Columbia before embarking on a career in labour law. He has practised union-side labour law since his call to the BC Bar in 1993 and has been a partner in our firm since 2002. He has represented unions before the Labour Relations Board of BC, boards of arbitration and the BC and Federal Courts. He has also appeared before the BC Human Rights Tribunal and has served as spokesperson in collective bargaining.
In addition to maintaining a vigourous litigation practice before labour tribunals, David provides advice and assistance to clients in grievance mediation in pursuit of practical labour relations solutions.
He is privileged to play a supporting role as legal advisor in organized labour’s much broader and multi-faceted struggle for justice and dignity for working people.
David maintains membership in the Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers and is past chair of the Labour Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association (BC Branch). He frequently writes and speaks on labour law for the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC and other organizations.
XYZ Company v. U, April 10, 2014, unreported (McConchie) | The arbitrator concluded that the Employer violated the rule against double jeopardy and did not have just cause to dismiss him and order the Employer to pay damages in lieu of reinstatement.
Interior Health Authority, BCLRB No. B97/2012, 212 CLRBR (2d) 164 | In the context of a sweeping raid application, the Labour Relations Board considered the rules regarding applications to withdraw raid applications, material misrepresentations that might render membership evidence submitted in support of a raid equivocal, and the law and policy of bargaining unit appropriateness in the health sector.
Dunkley v. UBC and another, 2015 BCHRT 100 | The BC Human Rights Tribunal concluded that UBC and Providence Health Care discriminated against a Deaf medical Resident by failing to accommodate her by providing American sign language interpreters to allow her to continue with her dermatology program.